Enlightening Minds ♦ Enriching Hearts ♦ Inspiring Future Leaders
My name is Megan Pennock. My involvement with Sacred Heart School began in 2004 when I was a student at Paraclete. My younger sister attended Sacred Heart and I had required service hours. What a perfect pairing. I performed with the Paraclete theater and our productions always included a show at Sacred Heart.
After Paraclete I attended the Academy of Arts in San Francisco. I completed a BA degree in criminology and sociology from Ashford University.
My husband, and I have three amazing daughters that have attended school at Sacred Heart since 2017. I strongly believe in the importance and values of a strong Catholic education. This school has become my family. One could say that I have moved through the ranks here at SHS. I began teaching with the Jr. High team in 2023 but served as an aide, co PTO president, room mom and volunteer prior. I come from a teaching family and realized that with all the girls in school, it was calling me too!
I love this Sacred Heart School family and am proud to serve the students of this outstanding community.