Enlightening Minds ♦ Enriching Hearts ♦ Inspiring Future Leaders
Students not currently baptized that desire to be baptized, may be prepared for the Sacrament with their teacher during class or at a specified time set aside by the teacher. Parents of Sacred Heart School students who would like their children baptized through the school should contact the Sacred Heart school office.
Students in the second grade children prepare for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. For the time leading up to these sacraments, preparation for them is the focus of religion classes.
Older students who have not received these sacraments may also prepare during religion classes or at a specified time set aside by the teacher. After ample preparation they can receive their sacraments with the second graders in the spring of the school year.
The entire family will also share in the excitement of this special time in their children’s lives through many at-home family projects and attending the mandatory Whole Community Catechesis Saturdays with our parish priests.
Non-Catholic students participate in sacramental preparation along with their classmates. Although they do not take part in the sacrament itself, they have also made a special journey with their families and friends and are encouraged to attend First Reconciliation and First Communion services to share in the community celebration.
Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year program spanning the freshman and sophomore years of high school. Enrollment in this program is through the Office of Religious Education at Sacred Heart Parish.